Taking the Users’ Perspective

User Experience: 8 Tips for Your Website

To create a good website, the user's perspective is particularly important. We give some tips on which things should be considered to provide optimal user experience on a website.

User experience is about how a product or service is experienced by users in a (digital) context. We can speak of user experience not only for digital products, but also for physical products or services such as a visit to the hairdresser. No matter what service or product we use, many different aspects can have an impact on our perception or experience. In the case of a website, familiar design rules and design elements can have influence on our behavior.

At bitperfect we focus on the following aspects when it comes to user experience on a website.

1) Purpose of the Website #

To create a good website, one should be aware at the beginning what the purpose of the site is. Not only for users in dealing with the site, but for the owners of the site itself: What is the purpose of my website, who do I want to reach and why? How can I lure my customers/interested parties to the site? When I enter a website, I want to know what it is about, who is behind it and how this product can help me. Here again, clear structures and information help, which leads us to the next point.

2) Information Architecture #

Creative websites are great and fun to look at. It's even more fun if you find what you are looking for quickly and easily. A well designed navigation and information structure should guarantee this for users, so that no one has to search for too long.

3) Branding and Recognition #

We want to keep the mental effort of a user while visiting our site as low as possible. A branding that is consistent across all channels makes sense because recognizable images ensure quick and easy perception. In addition to that, an appealing UI design with colors that match the branding also contributes to a pleasant experience when visiting the website. In addition to an appealing UI design, with a color scheme that matches the product or branding, typography, enough white space and order on the site, we also strive for creating other influences in the 'experience' of the site.

4) Accessibility #

If a website focuses on a target group of people with special needs, this aspect can go very far. To a certain extent, we at bitperfect aspire to make every website as accessible as possible for all people by keeping color contrasts large, granting readability of texts and ensuring a clear page architecture. To learn more about how to make a website more accessible, click here.

5) Speed #

Nothing is more valuable than time and hardly anything is more frustrating than long waiting times - and in this case loading times. How you can measure and optimize the loading times of your website, we show here.

6) Language and Text Length #

Of course, there are exceptions here, such as a website in a scientific context or with important information that needs to be communicated. Apart from that, it is mostly the case that the average user is reluctant to read, especially on screens. Instead, we scan the texts and focus on icons or images that are easier to consume than reading sentences. Simple language, short text blocks and a clear choice of words simplify the consumption of information. In addition to this, storytelling can help to provide longer text blocks and explanations in a pleasant and entertaining way.

7) Contact Information #

Who stands behind the website and how fast will my questions be answered? Due to fraud and abuse, it plays a big role today to show a trustworthy face behind the site. Many people want to know who they are dealing with or who they are using a service from.

8) CTA #

No matter if I want to book an appointment or sell a bed - CTA is the touchpoint where seller and customer benefits should visibly meet. A call-to-action should not be missing on any page and should be placed as prominently as possible in accordance with the branding. Again, color and shape, as well as the right placement, play a decisive role.

You need help with the concept and implementation of your website? Then send us a message, we will be glad to talk to you about your options in a free initial consultation.

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