Your digital agency in Austria

Web Design and UI/UX-Design

Your web design not only presents content, it also has an emotional impact on users. We make sure that these emotions are positive and therefore create unique designs for your successful online presence.

How to Impress With Modern Web Design

The online presence of a company plays an important role in visualizing brands and bringing them to life. That means that a good web design not only helps to communicate brands effectively, but is also particularly important in making users experience positive emotions.

For us, good web designs must therefore not only look extraordinary, but also focus on the experience and usability from the user's point of view.

Our Expertise in Web Design

Our team in Vienna has many years of experience in the creation of websites. In addition to first-class designs, we focus on a good UI/UX concept in all our projects. UI design and UX design are closely linked in the implementation of websites.

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UI Design

In UI design (short for user interface design), we focus on the visual design of web content so that it is presented in an appealing way for users. At the same time, UI design also includes ensuring optimal usability when users interact with the application or website. For every web project, we therefore pay particular attention to the optimal usability in addition to the visual appearance.

UX Design

In the field of UX design (short for user experience design), the focus is on the experience from the user's perspective. Specifically, this means that it is about the feelings that users have when interacting with the application or website. In order to create optimal experiences, we look at every touchpoint of an app or site through the eyes of the users. We show you in detail what we focus on in the field of user experience design here.

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How We Ensure High Quality Products

  • Open Communication

    To ensure optimal support, we believe in open communication in project management. We keep our clients regularly up to date, from the planning stage all the way to the completion of the project.

  • Experience

    With our team's years of experience in web and software development, we create first-class results for our clients.

  • Client-Centered Approach

    We are passionate about understanding our clients' needs and developing customized solutions that precisely meet their expectations.

Your Web Design Made by bitperfect

bitperfect is your web design agency in Vienna. As a reliable partner, we offer you the full package for a strong online presence.

Individually Customized

Your website should authentically reflect your company and stand out from the competition. We therefore focus on ensuring that the design is perfectly tailored to you and meets your individual requirements.

Focus on User Experience

Every website has a goal. This can be for example the presentation of information or the selling of products. We develop the perfect design to achieve your goal and convince users. Our designers focus on the user experience (UX) so that the designs do not only look great, but are also easy to navigate and user-friendly.

Responsive Web Design and Mobile Optimization

Today, we are facing a variety of devices with different display options on the market. For us, the basic requirement for a good web project is therefore that the web design adapts flexibly to the resolution of each device - whether smartphone, tablet, laptop or ultrawide monitor.

Content Management System Included

We create your website on the basis of the Content Management System Craft CMS. This gives you full control over the content of your website and you can manage and update it by yourself at any time - with no need for any knowledge of programming.


A web design from bitperfect not only adapts flexibly to any device, but can also be expanded at any time. From the very beginning, we take into account the fact that a website should offer the possibility of further development.

Creativity and Innovation

Our team of designers and developers are always up to date with the latest technology and are constantly looking for creative and innovative approaches to improve your online presence.

Get Started Now

Let's work together on your success! Our team in Vienna looks forward to advising you in a free initial consultation.

Let's talk


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