Safety first

What Two-Factor Authentication Is and How It Works

In today's digital world, it's more important than ever to protect our online accounts. Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification in addition to a password. In this article, we show how this authentication method works.

IT security is an increasingly important topic. With the growth in the use of online services and digital platforms, the risk of cybercrime is also increasing. To protect themselves from unauthorized access to personal and business data, more and more people and companies are turning to two-factor authentication (2FA). But what exactly is 2FA and how does it work? We will answer these questions in this article.

What Is Two-Factor Authentication? #

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security method that is more advanced than the use of a traditional password. With 2FA, users not only have to enter a password, but also a second factor to access an account or application. This second factor can take different forms, which makes gaining access much more difficult for unauthorized persons.

The idea behind 2FA is to increase the security of an account or system through this combination of two different and independent methods. These methods can be divided into three categories:

  1. Knowledge: Something that only the user knows, such as a password or PIN. 2 Ownership: Something that only the user owns, such as a smartphone or a security key (e.g. a USB token).
  2. Biometric characteristics (inherence): Something that is uniquely linked to the user, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition.

How Does Two-Factor Authentication Work? #

The two-factor authentication process usually works like this:

  1. Login: The user enters the user name and password as usual. 2 Second factor: After entering the login data, the user is asked to confirm a second factor. This could be, for example, a code sent to the user's cell phone or a confirmation via an authentication app such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
  2. Granting access: Access to the account or system is only granted once this second factor has been successfully entered.

This additional step makes it much more difficult for hackers and cybercriminals to gain access to other people's accounts. Even if they find out a user's password, they cannot access the account without the second factor.

How Do Authenticator Apps Work? #

One of the most commonly used methods for the second factor are apps such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or Authy. These work with time-based one-time passwords, also known as TOTP. This procedure works like this:

  1. Initial setup: When TOTP is first activated, a so-called “secret key” is exchanged between the application and the user's authentication app. This key is usually saved in the app by scanning a QR code.

2 Code generation: The authentication app uses the secret key together with the current time to generate a six-digit one-time code. These codes usually change every 30 seconds.

3 Verification: When the user attempts to log in, he or she is prompted to enter the code generated by the app. The server performs the same calculation and compares the code entered by the user with the self-calculated code. If both match, access is granted.

The great advantage of TOTP is that the generated code is time-limited and therefore only valid for a short time. Even if an attacker were to intercept the code, it would be useless after the time period has expired. As the code can only be generated on the user's device and the server, the process is very secure and difficult to manipulate.

Why Is Two-Factor Authentication Important? #

The main benefits of two-factor authentication can be summarized in the following points:

  1. Increased security: Passwords alone no longer provide sufficient protection these days, as they can easily be stolen, guessed or taken by phishing attacks. The second factor ensures that a password alone is not enough to gain access to sensitive data.

2 Protection against phishing: Even if users fall for a phishing email and reveal a password, attackers cannot do any damage without the second factor.

3 Preventing identity theft: 2FA makes it harder for cybercriminals to steal users' identities and take over their accounts.

4 Meeting compliance requirements: In many industries and countries, companies are required by law to implement certain security measures, including two-factor authentication.

bitperfect as Your Partner for Security Solutions #

Two-factor authentication is an essential tool to ensure the security of online accounts and services. It provides additional protection against the growing threats in the digital world, protecting both personal and business data from unauthorized access.

If you are thinking about integrating 2FA into your product or service, bitperfect is your reliable partner. We support you in planning, implementing and optimizing your security solutions to ensure the highest level of protection for your users. With our experience and expertise, we ensure that two-factor authentication is integrated into your systems while at the same time keeping them user-friendly.

Contact us to take your digital security to the next level and offer your users the best possible protection. Together we can make your online platform more secure.