Web and Software Development in Vienna

Back-Ends, Interfaces and Databases

Backends, interfaces and databases manage the processes and logic in the background of a web and software project. We develop the perfect solution so that these processes are optimally tailored to your needs.

Customized Back-Ends

The architecture of a web and software solution is like the foundation of a building that ensures the stability and scalability of the entire system. Particularly important here is the back-end, which runs in the background on a server and is usually not visible to end users.

This part is essential for the functionality of a software solution, as it is responsible for the logic of the system and the management of information in databases. That's why we pay particular attention to detail here, so that every back-end offers perfect functionality and can be expanded at any time.

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Individually Tailored Interfaces (APIs)

An interface or API (Application Programming Interface) is like a bridge that connects different software components. Our team in Vienna develops your robust interfaces that connect systems with each other in order to exchange data securely and efficiently.

Besides this, there are also many services (e.g. payment providers such as PayPal) that already provide an interface. In this case we gladly connect your system to the service provider's existing interface in order to integrate the service into your operations.

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Efficient Databases

Data is more than just information. It is the basis for well-grounded decisions and the foundation for many digital processes. In order to manage data efficiently, it is important to have well-structured database solutions that offer optimal data storage and management.

At bitperfect, we create the ideal solution for your business to ensure fast access, high security and scalability.

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